
Priceline Hotel: 2.5* Banff Spruce Grove Inn

By reesa888,

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We bid $60 on Priceline and worked our way down the star ratings in Banff (i.e. started search for 4*, went to 3* and then 2.5*). Ended up at the Spruce Grove Inn (2.5*). We are satisfied!! It's significantly less than the Expedia price, and a better value hotel than $60 would otherwise get in Banff (1* Arrow Motel).

However, if we had to bid again, we'd bid $50 or slightly less, and probably end up at the same place.

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Welcome to BetterBidding and congratulations on your success!

Thank you for sharing your result with the board!

Can you also please add a reply to this thread with the date(s) of your stay so we can add this information to the topic title and enable your win to appear in the Priceline and Hotwire Calendar of Wins.

Enjoy your stay.

Please use the site's HOTWIRE and PRICELINE links to start future purchases.


PS. Read this link: If you lower your star rating then lower your price

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