
Book first night separate?

By jlm03,

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I am new to the forum but have some experience using Hotwire in the past. I am sorry if this has been asked/answered already, but I am curious if anyone knows if it is possible (in hopes of booking a particular hotel) to book just one night at the suspected hotel, and upon learning the hotels details, then go back to the same listing and book the remainder of the trip? I just considered this for the first time today, and was wondering if either 1) anyone has tried this, or 2) knows if Hotwire has a safegaurd against this sort of thing? Thanks in advance for any information.

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Welcome to BetterBidding :)

I'm pretty sure many members on the board have done this (including myself).

No, theres no safeguard against this. But make sure that you have done a search before you book the first night for the diffrent set of dates and that the match is the same.

We're happy to help you if you need any assistance with this.

Please use the PRICELINE and HOTWIRE links on the board to begin your travel purchases.


PS. Please follow-up this thread with whatever you end up doing, even if you chose to book direct, cancell your trip, etc.

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I will post what happens if I try this. I don't plan on booking for a few weeks. If I did choose to try this route, does that mean I would have to check in at the hotel desk for the remaining nights, possibly being switched rooms? And will it look odd to the hotel staff? (With the 2 reservations back to back?)

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It will not appear unusual to the hotel staff; while policy varies, you may have to check-in again (although having to switch rooms is unlikely.) I'd mention it to the hotel staff at check-in and see what they say, but it should not be an issue.

Thank you for using the site's HOTWIRE or PRICELINE links to start your purchases and searches.

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  • 2 weeks later...


There is absolutely NO guarantee you will get the same exact hotel. None at all. I can't count the number of times I've ran into this problem.

So please... just input the correct information and trust the system. Hotwire cannot guarantee the same hotel, and you most likely won't have much luck getting it changed if you don't receive the same accommodation as before.

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