
Priceline Hotel: 2.5* Los Angeles (Santa Monica-Marina Del Rey) Marina del Rey Hotel

By glutton,

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I am going to an event at UCLA on a Thursday night in January, and want to find an inexpensive hotel for that night. From the posts in this forum, there don't seem to be a lot of Priceline rooms available in the Brentwood/Westwood zone. Since it is just for one night, for my husband & I, I just want a clean room in a safe area that isn't too long a drive from UCLA. Free parking would be nice. We might also spend some time the following day in Santa Monica. Can you advise me on what zone might be suitable and have a room available for less than around $60?

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Ideally, I'd like to stay in the Westwood/Brentwood zone, or maybe the Santa Monica/Marina Del Rey zone. I guess LA traffic is unpredictable (or predictably bad), but I'd prefer to be within a 20-minute drive of the UCLA campus. The Culver City zone looks reasonably close, but I am not very familiar with that area and am wondering if that is a generally safe area, particularly since we probably won't arrive at the hotel until around 11:00 pm. I saw a recent winning bid in the Culver City zone for $50, but didn't see much posted for the other zones recently.

The night we are looking for is Thursday 1/20/11, and I was hoping to stay under $60, but I am asking for feedback on whether that is feasible.

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Free parking would be nice. We might also spend some time the following day in Santa Monica. Can you advise me on what zone might be suitable and have a room available for less than around $60?

Here are some "under $60" PRICELINE possibilities on the Westside:

3* Beverly Hills-West Hollywood

3* Culver City

2.5* Santa Monica-Marina Del Rey

2.5*/2* Hollywood

You say want free parking though, which is an issue. Other than some 1*/2* motels (Travelodge, EconoLodge, etc) almost all Westside hotels charge to park.

On 1/20 Travelodge West LA is $89 and Travelodge Pico Blvd is $115---parking included. Paying $50-60 for a Priceline 3* plus $20-30 to park turns out cheaper than paying retail for a westside motel with "free" parking, and you'll get a better quality hotel.

If you'll pay to park my suggestion is try $50-60 for a 3* in Beverly Hills-West Hollywood zone. You'll probably get Courtyard or Res Inn---both good values at that price, even with the parking charge.

Or you could try $45 for 2*, then $45 for 1* in BH-WH zone and see if you can win one of those motels with free parking. $45 probably won't be enough for an unwanted upgrade to a higher grade hotel with pay parking.

I don't think $60 will be enough for a 3* in Brentwood-Westwood zone but since that zone's where your activities are and is most convenient for you there's no harm in trying BW-WW zone first---IF you'll pay to park.

You asked about Culver City. Yes it's a good area but you'll pay to park there too.

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Thanks for all of the input, Colfax. It's not a big issue if we have to pay for parking, I just wasn't sure what the norm was in those areas. I know I'll have to pay for parking at downtown hotels in most big cities, but I wasn't sure about other zones for LA.

I think I'd go as low as 2.5* for this bid, since it is just for 1 night and we won't be in the hotel for much time. I worry that 2* might get me more of a dive.

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If you'll pay to park my suggestion is try $50-60 for a 3* in Beverly Hills-West Hollywood zone. You'll probably get Courtyard or Res Inn---both good values at that price, even with the parking charge.

I just checked the Marriott/Courtyard Century City website, and they are showing ZERO availability for 1/20, so I guess I won't get THAT hotel on PRICELINE. :) There must be a convention or something going on there.

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I used the PRICELINE link from this website & started bidding a few days ago, first trying for the Brentwood/Westwood zone at the 3-4*, then adding Santa Monica/Marina Del Rey, for bids from $60-$68 (inlcuding this morning), which were all denied, and I added Beverly Hills/West Hollywood and bid from $55 to $65 for the 3* level, also denied. (I only had 1 free rebid, using the Lawndale zone.) After I was rejected for the above 3 zones for 3* for up to $68 this morning, I added 2.5* and dropped my bid to $60, which was accepted at the Marina Del Rey Hotel. I was hoping to be a little closer to Westwood, and this is kind of at the far end of the Santa Monica/Marina Del Rey zone, but it looks reasonably nice, and has free parking, so I can't complain much for the price. Not quite a Christmas miracle, but still a pretty good deal :)

Length of Stay: 1 night (1/20/11, 1 room)

Your Offer Price Per Room, Per Night: $60.00

Subtotal: $60.00

Taxes & Fees: $15.90

Total Charges*: $75.90

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