
Source for % Hotwire Customers Recommend

By jmbfilter,

Recommended Posts

I looked around and couldn't find the answer to this. Searching basically gives me every post where someone mentions this piece of info in their help request.

My question is where does Hotwire get their "Recommended: In 95% of Hotwire customer reviews" from? The reviews they show are TripAdvisor reviews. Does anyone use this number to help identify a Hotwire hotel, or is this not helpful? How do we determine which hotel it is by this?

As an example, a Hotwire secret deal I see says 95% recommended (shown above) for this Palm Beach, FL 4* hotel. With the help of others on this forum, we think it is a hotel X based on the amenities, however I don't think that jives with the review score. Expedia lists the hotel with only 83% customers recommend it. Now I am confused. Or does Hotwire have it's own list of reviews that cannot be calculated easily by the consumer.

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The reviews are from HOTWIRE customers. Some listings also show a separate tripadvisor rating on the detail page - that MAY be able to be used to narrow down properties (multiple properties can show with the same amenities that have the same tripadvisor rating.) The HOTWIRE customer review % is not a good indicator as there is nothing to compare it against and it has occasionally been seen to change from search-to-search.

Thank you for using the board's HOTWIRE or PRICELINE links to start your purchases and searches.

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