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  1. PERFECT location!! So Excited! Thanks again HOTWIRE :) "Boutique" hotel ;-) Also want to add, the Andaz Hyatt is formerly "Avia".
  2. I'm confused as usual......reading the threads trying to figure this re-bidding stuff out (which by the way has a great thread on explaining that and now I understand) I have been reading threads stating they not able to re-bid for 72hours. I thought it was 24hrs??
  3. Is it better to wait until closer to the time I need a hotel to bid, or does it matter. Can i do it now with same results? Sorry! Newbie here and a little confused. I read the re-bidding thread and that helped tons!!
  4. also.....is it better to wait til closer to time I need a hotel, or better far off. I need October 5-9.
  5. I am having an awful time bidding~ I usually have really good luck. It may just be the time of year i'm wanting. What is a re-bidding zone? Is that where you can change the area or star quality of hotel and bid immediately again? If so, I have been doing that with no luck :(
  6. My first bid was $80 for *4 star historic district. They did not accept. Priceline asked if I would like to immediately bid $95, I did. WON!! Im happy with that price :)
  7. Gosh, I'm sorry but I don't remember if it was a resort or not. I'm thinking it wasn't listed as that or I would remember. I just remember 4 star.....sorry!!
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