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  1. I am going to start bidding for May 27-May 31, 2013 on Priceline I will be attempting to obtain a 4-5* hotel. I would like to try the Westminster, Mayfair areas. I would be willing to pay $200 per night max. Does this sound doable to anyone? I want to be centrally located as we would like to visit the eye, big ben, buckinghim palace and many other attractions. I would like to be close to a tube as this will be our main mode of transportation. Are there any other zones I should try as well? This is our first trip so we are not familiar with the area. Thanks in advance
  2. Please help!! We are planning our honeymoon for May/June 2013. I have searched the flights from Boston to London(Heathrow) and as of right now they are coming in at $1809 total for two people round-trip, non stop. We would leave Sunday May 26, 2013 at 8pm and arrive in London on Monday May 27, 2013 at 6:30am. Coming home we would leave London at 3pm and get back to boston at 8pm(roughly). I was going to try the bidding section of priceline, because we don't really care what time we leave on either day. I would prefer not to leave super early Sunday, so I guess my question would be this...what are the average times people get and is this too early to start bidding? Where can I find the record of past bids from other members on this site? I can't seem to locate it. Thanks!
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