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  1. We used Priceline for a single hotle night 3 years ago (10/2011) and received the Palazzo for $100. They upgraded us to a luxury suite. We suspected it may have been A: We were celebrating our anniversary or B: We were only staying for one night. Just thought I'd share, as we did receive an upgrade despite getting the room via Priceline. Cheers!
  2. Had read about 3.5 wins in Bellevue (Silver Cloud Eastgate) Tried $70 (Offered $82) Added Bothell Bid $71 (Offered $82) Added Kent Bid $72 BINGO Received Hilton Bellevue (not the Silver Cloud, so we'll see) There are less than favorable reviews for this Hilton property, it apparently needs updating and has internet issues (which you have to pay extra for) Will update when we return Used the PRICELINE link!
  3. Initial bid for South Strip $85 denied (I know, I know...I was lowballing, but I had time :-) Added North Strip Bid $90 denied Waited a day, Bid $95 for South Strip Denied Added North Strip $100 Denied Waited another day, Bid $105 For South Strip Denied Added North Strip for $110 BINGO! Total price is $132 (with taxes and fees) Other online sites had it for $219/night
  4. This was a bit of a struggle. Bothell 40 rejected Lake Union 42 No Kirkland 44 Nope Downtown Space Needle 46 nuh-uh Redmond/Kirkland 48 Sorry Lynnwood/Edmonds 49 Nada Univ of Washington 50 Try Again Downtown Pike Place 52 Bingo Used the PRICELINE link. Didn't add Bellevue, as I didn't want the Coast Hotel.... and didn't want to be by the Airport. Satisfied, although reviews of the property aren't glowing, but we're only staying one night. Thanks Better Bidding. Always helpful!
  5. 3* Great Falls Holiday Inn Great Falls, $55 ... 11/5/10-11/6/10 Last minute booking (same day) checked some of the history and figured I'd try to 55 for Great Falls 3 star and got the Holiday Inn on first bid. Used the PRICELINE link.
  6. 3* Yellowstone Park-Bozeman (Bozeman) Holiday Inn, $52 ... 11/6/10-11/7/10 Bid 50 and was offered one free rebid for 65, clicked back and added Big Sky. Upped bid to 52 and was accepted. Sorry Priceline, didn't fall for the upsell! Thanks Better Bidding, used the PRICELINE link!
  7. Just one additional note. Apparently parking is 16 dollars. Just read some reviews of the hotel.
  8. Booked for this weekend (Friday Night) Sept 3/10 for 1 night, so not a lot of time to start low.... :-) Started bidding 3* Spokane Valley, at $44, Not accepted. Added Downtown Zone (added 5 bucks to my new bid) and won the Doubletree Downtown City Center at $49. Hadn't seen any wins lower than 49 this summer, so I'm satisfied. Thanks for a great forum! Used the PRICELINE link
  9. Bid 59 for 3 stars. Rejected, but given an offer to raise my bid by 15 dollars to 74 for an immediate rebid. Instead I closed browser, reentered via PRICELINE link on this forum and bid 55 dollars for 2.5 * (noticed Hotwire offering 2.5 in Missoula for $59, so I had a guarantee for 59, so I tried 55 and received Red Lion Inn Missoula. Used the PRICELINE link on the forum.
  10. Bid $38 for 3* (Sandy, South Valley, Draper) - Rejected.... I was offered immediate rebid for 10 dollars more ($48). I clicked out of this offer and instead added (Downtown-University Park) and upped my bid to $42. Accepted. Works out to $54.84 after taxes. ($81 on Expedia and Hotels.c*m, $99 on the regular Priceline (not Name Your Own Price) We're leaving tomorrow, so I didn't have much time and am satisfied with the hotel. It's ranked 40 out of 80 Hotels in SLC on Tripadv....., so I'm expecting an average room. Only bid for one day, (to keep options open) We've decided to see how the room is, and then if we like it we'll extend our stay. if it's not good, we'll have the laptop with us and look for something for the next night! :) First time in SLC, so we have nothing to compare it to. Used the PRICELINE link to book. Thanks Better Bidding! Great site.
  11. 2* Fairfield Inn Grand Forks - Won for $45.00 July 14-15 Well, there was not one previous entry from Grand Forks, ND so I had nothing to go from! I was booking a room for my sister-in-law, as they were spending Sunday Night in Fargo and Monday Night in Grand Forks. (We're from just north in Manitoba, Canada) With no past history, and the desire for a pool, I felt it necessary to bid a bit more for 2* than I normally would for Minneapolis or Chicago. After winning a 2* in Fargo for $39.00, we decided to place an opening bid of $45.00, as there are NO rebid zones in Grand Forks, and the only other star level is 1*. Price was accepted for Fairfield Inn By Marriot, which was listed at $89.00- $92.00 on a number of different sites. My SIL was happy, as they have a 2 year old son, she can shop next door at Columbia Mall, and hubby can go to the pool with the son! Thanks Better Bidding, I used the PRICELINE link to buy this room. I can't believe, none of the Better Bidding community have ever used Priceline to book a room in GF! Oh well, it feels good to be a pioneer!!
  12. Bid $35.00 for 3* Mpls NW, rejected with an invitation to increase my bid by $9.00.... Instead, I added MPLs Downtown region and upped my bid to $36.00 Ding, Ding, Ding.....Crowne Plaza at Brooklyn, Ctr Cha ching!
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