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  1. Very proud. i have a dog that doesn't shed, doesn't urinate or deficate on the floor, it is 11 pounds and a part of my family - but because of some inane rules, I can't take her to the same places kids who do the same dang thing can go to - so I have no ethical or moral issue sneaking a dog in - because of the 25 times I've done it - I have not once gotten a phone call suspecting that there was a pet in the room when there shouldn't be. Our dog doesn't leave a mess or a trail.
  2. I'd definitely consider going up to 60 if it meant a nicer pet friendly place without parking charges. Usually at 3.5 you are dealing with high rises and most of those are not so much friendly and you risk parking/internet charges, wouldn't you agree?
  3. thereuare, 2-star hotel in Downey - Commerce - Norwalk (Pool and Laundry Facilities) -- $44 a night. Retail of 70 dollars. 2 star hotel at LAX (Shuttle, Pool, High Speed, Breakfast, Laundry) -- $48 a night. Retail of 73 dollars. 3-star hotel in Downey - Commerce - Norwalk Best Value. Fitness Center. Restaurant. Pool. -- $52 a night. No retail mentioned. After that it gets up. I checked your hotel list, and I didn't see any mention of Downey/Commerce/Norwalk - but that could be a new area that was some other area at some other time. The 3 star hotel looks like it could be interesting.
  4. Aaron, I know there's not a 100% guarantee, but if I can narrow down some of the good deals and make it 80% likely I would get one, or use the hotwire matching tools here and figure out which may be pet friendly and which may not be pet friendly, perhaps I can get lucky. One time, in Albuquerque, I bid for a 2.5 star hotel - because most of the 2.5 star hotels were pet friendly (Holiday inn express, la quinta inn and suites) - and it upgraded me to a downtown highrise - we snuck the dog in, but it was a little stressful. I am only wanting to spend about 50 dollars a day at least now - may raise that higher later. A friend of mine is a general manager at a Marriott, so I have the potential to get the friends and family rate as well - but none of the marriotts in southern CA which are pet friendly are offering the rate during the times we are going. Thanks for your help - I've never heard of the Kimpton brand, of course, $319 a night in San Diego is a little out of my range!
  5. All, I am looking to stay in Southern California (no real preference) between the 5th and the 13th. The only catch - we have a dog that my wife will not go anywhere witout. A very small dog, but a dog nonetheless. We are looking for a great deal at a place that will be pet friendly. Any ideas?
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