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  1. Hilton Los Angeles Airport 3½ star Offer Price: $85.00 Rooms: 1 Nights: 1 Room Subtotal: $85.00 Taxes & Fees: $21.00 Total Charged to Card: $106.00 Bid of $82 received a request to add $16. I of course Refused.
  2. Offer Price: $115.00 Rooms: 1 Nights: 3 Room Subtotal: $345.00 Taxes & Fees: $59.79 Total Charged to Card: $404.79 Prior bid of $110 was rejected. We were bidding on a 3.5* to in the hopes of getting the Kona Coast Resort and avoiding the resort fee at the Sheraton. Instead we were upgraded to the 4* Sheraton. This bid was for a friend and let's just say she is not unhappy about being forced to stay at this beautiful property and swim with the manta rays. :D We used the betterbidding PRICELINE link
  3. Rate per night: $105.00 Nights: 1 Tax recovery charges & fees: $22.91 Subtotal: $127.91 Trip total: $127.91 The amenities listed below were found AFTER the win. I cannot find the offer at this time for this date for the PRE-WIN amenity list though it was the only 3.5* offered that was PET FRIENDLY. I believe that is the tip off that it is the Radisson. Amenities Pet friendly, Airport Shuttle, Fitness Center, Pool(s), Restaurant(s), Business Center, High-Speed Internet Access, Spa Services, Accessible for the blind, Accessible for the deaf, Accessible path of travel, In-room accessibility, Accessible bathroom, Handicapped parking, Roll-in shower. No parking fee at this hotel which is a big bonus for this area.
  4. Rejected at $32 Offer Price: $33.00 Rooms: 1 Nights: 1 Room Subtotal: $33.00 Taxes & Fees: $11.36 Total Charged to Card: $44.36 My son will be out visiting and I think the pool and shark tank should be fun as well as spending time on Fremont.
  5. $115 Rejected Westin Gaslamp Quarter San Diego :) Offer Price Per Room, Per Night: $120.00 Subtotal: $120.00 Taxes and Service Fees: $23.97 Total Charges*: $143.97 Hotel shows $199 (Before tax and fees on their website)
  6. I have always had to sign out of Priceline and sign back in and then select both A and the new zone to get it to work. Simply hitting back on the browser does not clear the selection.
  7. I won the Hilton Molino Stuckey several years ago (I believe it is posted in the appropriate section of Better Bidding). It was nice (though our view wasn't the best). The hotel offers free water taxi service so don't buy a multi day pass like we did. The hotel is on a smaller island off the main one. The pool on the roof was nice with great views. It took about 10 minutes by water taxi to get to St Marks Square. Very comfortable hotel with lots of amenities if you want them. We rented apartments and studios with kitchens and laundry while we were in Europe and the cost was about the same or less than the hotels. it's another option to look into and can make the stay seem more like you are part of the community rather than just a tourist.
  8. Can the area be changed to Cleveland (Airport South CLE). That is the area I bid on and where this hotel is located. The address is 7345 Engle Road, Middleburg Heights, OH. Thank you.
  9. Rejected at $55 Offer Price: avg. per room, per night $56.00 Rooms: 1 Nights: 4 Room Subtotal: $224.00 Taxes & Fees: $46.00 Total Charged to Card: $270.00 I used the PRICELINE link on the Support Page.
  10. Offer Price: $50.00 Rooms: 1 Nights: 1 Room Subtotal: $50.00 Taxes & Fees: $13.70 Total Charged to Card: $63.70 $45 rejected
  11. Prior bid $45 rejected. Had 3 areas chosen that could have been accepted: neport- Huntington Beach Laguna Beach Irvine Spectrum - Laguna Hills - Mission Viejo Room Cost (avg. per room, per night): $50.00 (USD) Number of Rooms: 1 Number of Guests Per Room: 2 Number of Nights: 3 Room Subtotal: $150.00 (USD) Taxes and Fees: $28.23 (USD) Total Room Cost: $178.23 (USD) Used PRICELINE link
  12. Bid 4* for Costa Mesa zone. Bid up to $90 with re-bids and was countered with an offer of $125. Changed to $95 and was approved. Room Cost (avg. per room, per night): $95.00 (USD) Number of Rooms: 1 Number of Guests Per Room: 2 Number of Nights: 3 Room Subtotal: $285.00 (USD) Taxes and Fees: $47.46 (USD) Total Room Cost: $332.46 (USD) Used the PRICELINE link.
  13. I was going to bid 4* in the Dana Point - San Clemente area and it is no longer available. There is 3 1/2* and lower available. It appears the Marriott Cliffs was downgraded to 3 1/2*. I bid up to $150 for 7/21-7/24/11 and was rejected.
  14. Make sure the person checking in is who you enter in the Priceline details. There will not be a problem, I've done this many times. The person checking I will need a cc for incidentals but not the one you paid for the room with.
  15. Does it say that 'every' win is posted? When I've seen it, the winning bids have always been much higher than postings on recent wins here. It can be a tool to use in addition to Better Bidding but I would not use it exclusively for pricing.
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