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  1. eskimo2014

    Date Change

    ok so i'm bidding on days.... we're military.... there are chances that after we get our days we might have to push back our trip home a day. can we just move the date back after we reserve our tickets or are we going to get screwed and have to buy another set of tickets?
  2. The lowest fare i can find is 485 with fees and taxes being about 80. with a grand total of 565 for each person. i'm needing 2 tickets. i can't break down the fees and taxes because priceline doesn't seem to want to do that for me. any help would be appreciated. thanks.
  3. I'm not sure how i'm supposed to go about doing the bidding process. I would rather not enter our Credit card numbers and such. Do i have to do this to submit a bid or will it let me know if the bid is accepted and then I can give my information? What is the usual lowest % i should bid at? and how often can i bid? Thanks
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